High School

Unforgettable moments, exceptional photos.

Every year, hundreds of high schools entrust us with capturing precious high school moments. We offer specially designed packages and photography styles for the important graduation session.

High School

Unforgettable moments, exceptional photos.

Every year, hundreds of high schools entrust us with capturing precious high school moments. We offer specially designed packages and photography styles for the important graduation session.


Choose your style, we take care of the rest!

More than 400 backgrounds available online.

Stress-free photo day with incredible results.

Yearbooks customized to your school

Hardcover or softcover options available

Create an album that resembles your school, trust us with printing

Choose your style, we take care of the rest!

More than 400 backgrounds available online.

Stress-free photo day with incredible results.

Yearbooks customizable to your school

Hardcover or softcover options available

Create an album that resembles your school, entrust us with printing.

Le livre portrait, une nouvelle façon de conserver vos souvenirs

Admirez vos photos dans un livre photo broché imprimé sur du papier photo de qualité supérieure et respectueux de l’environnement.

The portrait book, a new way to preserve your memories.

Admire your photos in a photo book format printed on premium, eco-friendly photo paper.

Your Number One Choice

For 17 years, Green Apple Studio has offered you the widest range of products and services, adapted to your needs and your students' desires.

Your Number One Choice

For 17 years, Green Apple Studio has offered you the widest range of products and services, adapted to your needs and your student’s desires.

ID card

We provide ID cards to hundreds of high schools each year customized with your school colors and logo.

Your mosaic of graduates

Laminated, framed or digital, choose the mosaic format that best suits you.